Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Play me a song; you're the piano man.....

Last night, Paul and I were talking about my friend Chandra's piano.  I had just visited her house for the first time and was kind of jealous that she had one.  I haven't played one in so long that I can't even remember which pedal does what.  So Paul got on Craigslist and started looking around.  

Right away, we saw this pretty AWESOME piano.  It was a Heintzman.  I grew up learning on my parents' Heintzman, and it was only $100.  The ad said that they would not hold the piano---the first person to show up with money and their own moving crew would get to take the piano home.  We called and it was already gone.  SAD!

A few minutes later we spotted another piano for only $100.  It wasn't as pretty as the other, but had potential.  Paul ended up picking it up after work for me today and I love it!  It's a Normel London design from the 1920's and I love it's simple look.  Being so old, it is in dire need of a tuning.  After that, I can't wait to refinish it!  No idea at this point how I want it to look, so if you guys know of any good blogs or websites about refinishing, let me know!
Right now the piano is a dark maple color with blackish brown legs.  Can't wait to re-do it!  I'm thinking of either a glossy black, or maybe a shabby chic re-do.  Ideas....?

I have no idea how Paul is somehow able to back so well.  He had to avoid a silo and two metal fence posts that we have yet to remove.  He's amazing.
How did we get it home and into the house?  It was quite an effort.  Paul got permission to borrow a Chevy Silverado 3500 and HUGE trailer from work.  Somehow he loaded it into the trailer himself and then drove it home.  

After that, I helped Paul turn the piano on it's side and load it onto a dolly.  
Sorry the photo is blurry---it's hard to take them  when the sun is going down.  
We then SHOVED the piano up the stairs of our patio and rolled it through our door using a four wheeler (I'm sure all of you movers out there know what that is).  

Paul's excited face.  He loves driving the Chevy.
So, thanks to Chandra (and Paul!), I now have a piano and new project.  YAY!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

He stuck his tongue at me!

Yesterday Hayden discovered his tongue and it is hil-LAR-ious!  I took a few pictures to share with everyone.  They aren't the greatest because, the second that I get the camera out, Hayden suddenly becomes demure.  Oh well.  Enjoy!
Hayden's new thing is sticking out his tongue!

 I was trying to get Hayden to stick out his tongue here.  The video is kind of boring...sorry!

Got him to giggle!
 Hayden is also working on wanting to crawl.  Believe's all him because his father and I do NOT encourage it!  Ha ha.  Baby boy can make his body look like a bridge, lifting up his belly and bottom from the floor, but so far that's it.  Hopefully it takes him a while to crawl!
Bum in the air!

He kind of looks like super man here.

If he just didn't have the binkie in his mouth, you'd be able to see his HUGE smile!!