Monday, August 29, 2011

Our August.

Wow...I didn't realize it had been so long since I had updated the blog!  Time flies.  To quickly tell you all about what has been going on in our lives this past month, here is a picture blog with lots of captions :)

Our August:
Hayden was just loving being outside in his exer-saucer watching daddy work in the yard.  Paul was working hard trying to get our rocky, over-grown yard tamed and plowed.  He actually got blisters on his hands from that day!  I think that Hayden looked so cute in his little Children's Place overalls and long sleeve tee shirt.  The sad thing is that that was the first time he had worn those overalls and they were already too short for him.  He's just too long!

Hayden intently watching his dad.

This boy loves being outside!  He was just so happy to watch the birds and feel the wind.

What a drooly baby!

This is Daisy, our neighbor's dog.  Out here in the country, we have what we call neighborhood dogs---dogs that belong to your neighbors that treat every yard like their own.  It's kind of fun because I don't want to have to take care of my own dog, but when I want to play with one, it can usually be found next to our deck!

Hayden loves Daisy!  When we go for walks down our street, Daisy always accompanies us.  She is a sweetie.  (And yes...that is a grain silo that we live next to!)

Best friends!

Hayden and Paul were having fun on the floor together.  Paul was on his computer and Hayden wanted to be right by his daddy.  Awwwwwwwe :) 

His face looks so chunky here---I'm not sure why!

I think when I took this picture, Hayden had just eaten.  It looks like he's saying Ugh!  I 'm so full!

Reaching for the camera.....

I love this picture of Hayden and Paul together.  

Just chillen'.

Look at his eyes!  They get lighter and lighter (just like Paul's) every day.

Soooo....about a week ago, I had put Hayden in his car seat so that I could take a shower.  When I got out, he was pretty hungry so I handed him a bottle and left him in his seat.  I looked over as I heard him slurping to find this:  Hayden drinking his bottle with his feet straight up in the air.  I laughed so hard!  The funny thing is that this was not just a momentary happening....he stayed like this long enough for me to grab my camera and take 4 or 5 photos of him!  

So happy!  That's his monkey, Bruno, by the way.  He absolutely adores Bruno.

Not long after, Hayden had a HUGE accident.  I got to clean it up, but I texted Paul to show him a picture of what his son had done for me that day.  He probably laughed and was thankful to be at work!

Whelp...That was our month!  Have a good August :)

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